Professor Sohn Jung-min from the Department of Mineral Resources & Energy Engineering has received a commendation from the Minister of Education for his contributions to the activation and stable operation of the government-led New Energy Industry-Convergence and Open Sharing System. Initiated in 2021 as part of the Ministry of Education’s public offering project, this project formed a consortium with seven universities, including Korea University and Seoul National University. The overarching goal of the project is to cultivate students’ skills in the emerging field of new energy industries, such as solar power, wind power, hydrogen fuel cell, renewable battery, electric vehicle, and smart grid industries. Through a competitive selection process, a total of fourteen projects spanning various academic disciplines were chosen. The program achieved notable outcomes, including having won a competition and having presented three research papers. In the third year, Sohn took on the role of director and established a total of twenty relevant courses, graduating a total of 2,042 students. Two hundred students will obtain degrees in fields related to renewable energy.

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