If you like hiking, and you also like books, then this library in Haksan Mountain may be perfect for you, which is located in Pyeonghwa-dong, Wansan-gu. Haksan Forest Poem Library is very rustic and small compared to other libraries in Jeonju. However, it has a unique charm because it only houses poems.


© Ha Yae-one
© Ha Yae-one
© Ha Yae-one
© Ha Yae-one

The library has five wooden plaques representing the collection’s genres, inscribed in Korean. The inscriptions are based on the content and classification of the poetry collection. Poetry collections are typically divided using poetic themes and terms. The first plaque reads “Banhada[반하다]”, which initially means to be attracted to someone or something, and therefore in this context, it means to fall in love with poetry. The second plaque reads “Goreuda[고 르다]”, which originally means to pick or single out something among many. In this context, the poems and poetry collections are organized according to the publisher. The third plaque is inscribed with “Dareuda[다르다]”, which essentially means to be different from others. This section includes foreign language poetry collections from Japan, China, the United States, etc. The fourth plaque reads “Sunhada[선하다]”, which indicates that something appears to be real and lifelike. In this section, readers are able to visualize the poem's contents clearly. Illustrated storybooks and poems are arranged in this section.

Lastly, the fifth plaque reads “Mannada[만나다]”, which signifies meeting or joining someone or something. In this last section, readers can meet the poet. The poets' autographs are on the cover of their respective poems. Something important to keep in mind is that it is impossible to borrow poetry here because the purpose of this library is to read and rest here.

Additionally, Haksan Forest Poem Library hosts various poetry programs. These programs are well prepared for visitors. Poem transcription programs are available to all library visitors. If you want to join, choose a poem at the library or randomly draw a poem from a literature vending machine (if you choose a keyword such as “love” or “comfort”, it will generate a poem related to the keyword) and transcribe it. Then, the librarian will weave your transcription into a collage, which is the only one of its kind. Upon your next visit to the library, you will see it displayed on the window sill. You can also try your hand at creating your own rendition of existing poetry. If you have difficulty writing poetry, why don’t you recreate the original? You can participate in these activities without making a reservation.

Moreover, if you want to enjoy more diverse poetry-related programs, you must make a reservation first. The ‘Forest where poems live’ program invites poets once a month to give lectures to citizens. Every month, a poet gives a speech on a different subject. In June, poet Jeong Ho-seung gave a speech with the theme of ‘Finding the secret of poetry’. There are additional programs where you can enjoy poets more deeply. You can sign up for these programs at the Jeonju Library hub. Before signing up for these program s, take a look at the Jeonju City Library Instagram account (lib_jeonju), which lists the programs schedules’ three weeks in advance.

© Ha Yae-one
© Ha Yae-one



During the hot summer, why not spend time reading poetry here amid nature and the fresh air? Various poems and exciting programs are waiting for you!


ㅣ Lee Da-yeon, Ha Yae-one Editors

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