Youth Jeonju, in Korean called “There is a space for young adults operated by Jeonju City. It’s called Are you preparing to get a job or want to experience various activities? 청년이음전주”. The word “청년” means young adults in English. The word “이음” is vital for the name of the space, which means “connection” in English. When translated, this space means connecting the youth with Jeonju. It not only connects youth with Jeonju but also with other youth. Furthermore, its role connects youth and all generations. It is a space created to help you live a more prosperous life.


ⓒ Park Ji-woo
ⓒ Park Ji-woo


● Let’s Look Around Youth Jeonju!

-Post-its for Communication

In front of the door, post-its are prepared to take visitors’ suggestions. Visitors write down feedback or what they want relating to the overall operation of Youth Jeonju. These help the center develop. If visitors recommend a book on the post-it, the center prepares a book on the bookshelf. The programs work the same as the book suggestions. If you think of any suggestions while using the center, write them down on the post-it.

- AI Interview Room


ⓒ Park Ji-woo
ⓒ Park Ji-woo

When you enter Youth Jeonju, you can see the AI room on your left. In the AI interview room, you can use the AI mock interview system. It runs for two hours and can be used in preparation for actual interviews. It is available to three people a day. Therefore, if you want to use the AI interview room, you should call to make a reservation at the center.


- Communication Space and Shared Bookshelf


ⓒ Park Ji-woo
ⓒ Park Ji-woo
ⓒ Jo Soo-jin
ⓒ Jo Soo-jin

Go straight after leaving the AI interview room, and there is a bookshelf and communication space. The communication space is not a room, it’s an open area. It consists of wooden seats, comfy cushions, and other comfortable seating. There is also a saying written in Korean on the wall that encourages young people. This area was made for visitors to communicate freely with others anytime the center is open. Visitors can read books and chat while drinking tea or coffee. The books are on the bookshelf located next to the communication space. On the bookshelf, there are books that visitors recommended and books prepared for job seekers. Job seekers can read these books to study for the job they want. The center prepared not only study books but also self-help and motivational books for job seekers. A reservation is not necessary to use the communication space and read the books.


- Multi-purpose Room


ⓒ Yoon Ye-rim
ⓒ Yoon Ye-rim

The Youth Jeonju center has a space for group activities located next to the communication space: the multi-purpose room. Visitors can hold or take seminars, Youth Jeonju programs, book clubs or youth organizational meetings, one-day classes, and other activities. There are lots of seats and desks so that many people can use this place. In addition, this room has a touch screen, which is large enough for everyone in the room to view during a presentation. Visitors can rent the room and use the screen for free, but they should make a reservation by contacting the center.


- Coffee Machine


ⓒ Park Ji-woo
ⓒ Park Ji-woo

There is a coffee machine between the mulch-purpose room and the AI interview room. The coffee machine is freely available. You can choose the concentration of coffee that suits your taste. After all, coffee beans are just as good as coffee shops. You can use any room in the center while drinking coffee. When drinking coffee, you can use the cups and tumblers provided instead of using disposable cups. After you finish drinking coffee, you should wash the used cups or tumblers and place them on the rack.


- Personal Study Room


ⓒ Jo Soo-jin
ⓒ Jo Soo-jin

In the personal study room, you can study in a separate space so that you can concentrate on your studies. Each seat in the study room has a desk lamp, and there are a total of eight individual study seats. You can use it without any prior reservation.  In addition, you can use the printer, computers, and tablets. The printer is free to use, but if you want to print more than ten sheets, ask the front desk for help.


● Story of Youth Jeonju from Manager


ⓒ Park Ji-woo
ⓒ Park Ji-woo

To find out more about Youth Jeonju, The JBNU Globe interviewed Choi Jung-rin, the manager of Youth Jeonju. He is in charge of the overall management and planning of the program. He also serves as a guide to those who visit and can introduce youth policies and businesses.

He said that because Youth Jeonju is a space for connection with youth, young adults based in Jeonju can use the facilities for free. "In addition, young visitors can participate in employment-related programs and enjoy various cultural classes as well,” he said. In fact, the center ran a job counseling class last year. It was a program that allowed young adults who were having difficulty getting a job to improve their job skills. It involved how to write a self-introduction letter and skills for job interviews. Since its opening in September 2022, the program has been held for the first two semesters, and twenty-four people have participated for about a month or two.

Choi said five of them succeeded in getting a job. There were also various cultural classes. "There are not many local cultural events in Jeonju," he added. Thus it has hosted various programs favored by young adults such as K-pop classes, macramé sessions, musical dance lessons, and personal color classes. According to Choi, about 1,800 people visited Youth Jeonju in the four months since its opening. They not only utilized the spaces, but also participated in programs, rented rooms, conducted lessons, and conducted other activities such as reading meetings, seminars, etc.

According to Choi, a program called “Visiting Youth Center” was also held to promote his center in person. He said, "when an organization is established, the most important aspect is public relations. I looked for an area where many young adults are active, and I realized there was a university." Therefore, Youth Jeonju visited JBNU last December. Choi added that he considered it a fun and informative program for university students. "I thought it would be good to provide an opportunity for students to experience the programs of Youth Jeonju in person." The center conducted four programs: a personal color class, an image-making class, a finding your strengths class, and psychological counseling using tarot cards. In addition, Choi actively promoted Youth Jeonju by running a promotional booth and a one-day tea shop where visitors were served warm tea. When asked about future plans, he gave an affirmative answer. "JBNU also expressed a positive opinion, so I think we will continue to promote our programs regularly at JBNU if we have the chance," he added.

The Globe asked Choi where he gets the ideas for his programs. He replied through a youth online platform called “Youth Jeonju”, in Korean called “청정지대”. Through this website, you can get information about programs for young adults and their recruitment details. In addition, you can get news through its Instagram and other various Instagram accounts operated by Jeonju City. Youth Jeonju is also promoting its information through “Everytime”, an online community used by college students.

Choi is cautious to say that he runs regular programs because it has not yet been a year since his organization began. However, what's certain is that regular programs will be opened this year and the cultural classes will be more diverse. Career or interview classes are not planned yet, but they will continue in the future. Thus Choi’s hope is that many young people in Jeonju will participate in Youth Jeonju’s programs.


  • Listen to Visitors’ Review

Youth Jeonju did a satisfaction survey for participants of their center. Most of the participants were satisfied with the programs. Visitors also wrote reviews. The JBNU Globe received anonymous visitors’ reviews from the center.

“I wanted to try to do my makeup for an interview. After the personal color classes, I want to do my makeup well,” said a student who attended a personal color class. Students also liked the counseling program using tarot readings. “I could organize my mindset through this program,” a student stated. About finding your strengths classes, a participant said, “after discovering my strengths, I can now present my strengths more actively to people.” For young adults trying to become employed, Youth Jeonju does a counseling and mentoring program with those recently employed.  “I had a difficult time preparing for a job because I couldn’t exactly understand the job that I was preparing for. However, my mentor told me about the requirements of that job and what I needed to prepare for the certificate. My knowledge about the job has really grown,” remarked someone who had attended a mentoring course.

Most people stated that they are willing to recommend the Youth Jeonju program. A visitor who attended the center’s program said, “the center helped me kindly and carefully during the program.” Choi thinks the center’s space is insufficient for the programs. Visitors also want the programs to progress more and the space for programs to be more varied. Reflecting on their suggestions, the center plans to utilize half of the second floor for more space. That will be used mainly for group activities and employment and career courses. They will move the AI interview room and counseling room from the first floor to the second floor.


Youth Jeonju supports various programs and activities for young adults. The facilities and rooms of Youth Jeonju are free of charge. If you are a young adult in Jeonju, how about taking some time out of your day for a visit?

On weekdays - 9 a.m. ~ 9 p.m.

On Saturdays - 9 a.m. ~ 5 p.m.

On public holidays and Sundays - closed



Park Ji-woo Editor-in-chief, Yoon Ye-rim, Jo Soo-jin Reporters

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